Sunday, April 6, 2008

First Post!

A couple of hours ago on this chilly April morning, Tracy, Suzanne and I met over coffee at Cafe Ula to start planning the 2008 season at the Brookside Community Garden. In between discussions of raspberry bushes, how to keep cats out of our freshly-dug plots, and tidying up our unwieldy compost heaps, we floated the idea of creating a garden blog. It might be, we thought, a great way to keep people involved, communicate with each other, share photos, ideas, or recipes, and generally keep track of our progress over the season.

So, here's a new blog to start off a new season. We're happy to have a convenient place to post "official" garden business and information but ideally it'll be a place where anyone can post with questions, answers, helpful links, and so on.

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